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White Noise Sweeps in FL Studio


Learn how to make your own white noise sweeps!

Make a downer and riser to add tension to build-ups or simply for transitions.

We are going to learn the fundamentals of how to make a white noise sweep. Lastly, we will see a quick and easy example of how you can add effects on the mixer to make it more dynamic.

(I’ll try to attempt to write this tutorial down according to the video. Hope it makes sense. 😁)

3xOsc Notes.

Open 3x Osc.


To make the white noise.

Click on the dice of all three oscillators.

On the channel rack.

Now let’s make a pattern by right-clicking on the 3xOsc channel. Open the Piano Roll.

Draw a long note like this, 4 bars long like the picture below.

On the Playlist.

Now place the pattern on the playlist.

Place the 3xOsc channel on a mixer. I’ll choose 10, just to make it stand out for the tutorial.

Let’s use a frequency sweep to make our effect.

FL Studio FX on the mixer channel.

Open fruity parametric EQ 2 

Let’s use band 7. Use the knob with the diamond sign, drag it down until you pick a low pass.

Bring Band 7 all the way to the right.

Right click on band 7 low pass knob. ( The first blue knob )

Make and automation clip.

On the Playlist.

We’re going to automate band 7 with the automation we just created on the playlist.

Put the points 100 to 0, make it 4 bars long.

To make a cutoff effect.

Now you have your own white noise downer effect.

It should look like this ☝

Now let’s make a white noise riser.

Click on pattern 1, then click on the playlist to add another pattern 1 copy to the playlist. (Align it next to the the first pattern we made.)

Same with the automation clip, but we have to make it unique to make it different from the first automation click we made.
On the top left corner of the automation clip copy, Right click to bring a drop down menu.

Choose make unique.

This makes a unique automation for band 7.

We want to make it be opposite of the first automation. 

Now we have a riser white noise effect.

*Also, Add tension to the first automation said it to 6% for a slower Downer effect.

It should look something like this ☝

This is a quick and easy way to make some white noise effects/transitions.

you can take this to many different levels with FL effects. it’s really up to you from here.
Check the video above to see how we can make this fundamental a bit more dynamic with a quick example!

Hope this helps you come up with some pretty interesting sounds! 🙋‍♂️

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